Hey, @abh12345.
I hope you had a pleasant Father's Day. Mine went pretty good, I think. It's nice to be able to have your family close enough to see them regularly. However, my role as father has been steadily shifting to include grandchildren. I think grandparent's day is celebrated in September here, or something (I say celebrated, but basically it was only through the schools).
Looks like the league numbers go up and they go down. Except for votes. We seem to be doing more upvoting.
Thanks, as always, for the lists. I don't think I'm ever going to end up on the curation list again, but at least I can generally find myself on the engagement list. :) I seem to be settling into the Top 20-ish somewhere.
Congratulations to everyone in the Top 25 for your efforts and your contributions to the STEEM blockchain. Well done.
As always, Asher...
...onward and upward!
Thanks Glen
I did receive a message from my daughter and that will have to do me until next weekend where I hope to see her. I do wonder how long it will be until I am a grandfather - hopefully not for another decade or so yet!
Settling into the 20's without feeling pressured seems fine to me, whatever suits. The numbers are tricky to predict and this week CL looked pretty low for the top 10, but the remaining 90 picked up the slack for the most part.
Have a nice week :)
Yeah, I would say you don't want your daughter have a child too early. The next few sound like they will be pretty critical for her, moving in and through the teenage years, so I think it's good you'll be nearer to her, because she will probably need the extra love/guidance/trust/whatever positiveness you can bring.
A decade isn't that long to wait, really. They tend to come more speedily than one would want. :)
No I would prefer her not to follow in her mothers and her mothers mothers footsteps. A little more life experience and a look around the planet, and just to enjoy her own life before she has someone else to put first.
Hopefully i'll be able to catch up with her plenty during this chapter. I have already started to notice the decades seemingly passing with greater velocity as the years add up :)