I would rather see people (me included) earn their way into the 30,000-plus rather than tweak them into it. It's also easier to compare what I've done and what I can do better from week to week if the formula doesn't get tweaked. So, no need to tweak anything on my account. If anything, we all need to produce a little bit more.
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Congratulations to you Glen! This league is always at the back of my mind, and by Saturday night, it's at the front of it haha, and by then I always second guess myself as to whether or not I've "done enough". Apparently I always do, but those few weeks where I've purposefully taken it easy have been a nice reprieve for sure.
When I see the amount of posts from you and gillian and now eaglespirit I think I should probably up mine, but there really is only so many hours in a day ;)
There truly are so many hours in the day and when they're made the more precious given Brian's condition, there's really no other choice where to spend them. No one seems to question anyone's time commitment here, yours least of all. Especially since you're involved in a lot of other things. So, 'doing enough' is relative. Leagues aren't going to be first priority. And that's a good thing.