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RE: πŸ† The Curation and Engagement Leagues πŸ† - STEEM prizes available!

in #engagement β€’ 7 years ago

I was actually with family more this week with Memorial Day and my wife having the entire weekend off. Finally got to see Infinity War, so that's good. So, all the hours away this week didn't help the production numbers, and then when I was here, the drive to catch up or go the extra distance wasn't there. Plus, I just couldn't find stuff I liked all that much. Perfect storm. As it is, with all of that, still only 1,700 points from the top. I'm not sure I'm counting that as a good thing, though. :)

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I'm glad to see you back... I always get nervous when someone goes silent... But in your case I didn't think you would just leave, so I wasn't too concerned!

I was surprised at the closeness and yes you were close... And I will just say that I agree that isn't necessarily a good thing!

Glad to have you back :)

Well, being back is relative, since I just didn't get that many comments up, but thank you for noticing. :) And now, I'd probably work up something to say before I actually did leave.

We'll see how things go this week. Things keep changing from one week to the next and it's hard to predict what's going to happen, even if I am trying to stay consistent.

lol.. don't spend a whole lot of time working on that speech... I hope you will be here with me for a long time if nothing more than to see how it turns out.

And yes I understand, I have been a bit quiet myself lately, but part of that is everyone seems to be slowing a bit (at least our connections).

Yeah, so what's up with that? I guess I must be one of the few who doesn't have much of a life, or want one, for that matter, which is why I'm here so much. :)

I was wondering about your quietness because it came after the luke stokes thing. Not sure what you've concluded from all of that. Maybe I missed a subsequent post or round of comments? The last thing I saw had to do with you thanking Luke Stokes for being honest. It was a long comment that appeared on your post and his reply post. Or something like that, since you were dueling posts instead of dueling comments.

@glenalbrethsen No you didn't miss anything. I am still mulling it through my head. Frankly, I am still cautious how it will all play out, but I also have developed a plan with SMTs that I think will kick ass. So I will just keep doing what I can until such time as they are listed, then I will see if my idea will get traction (along with the full impact of SMTs as people put them into use). From there we will see. ps...I do think the path they are on (without any change for the better is not a healthy path for anyone).

Happy to see you around again Glen!

I'm getting a little tired of the front office talking up SMTs like it's going to solve all of our problems. If it happens, great. I'll be glad to be wrong. If it somehow significantly changes how the ill-fated distribution of STEEM messed things up since, wonderful.

Until then, I will remain a skeptic. Blind faith enthusiasm gets people drinking poisoned Kool-Aid and falling off of cliffs because the faith is inevitably misplaced.

However, I'm intrigued by your SMT plan, so hopefully there will be more said at whatever time it seems prudent. :)

I don't like them leaning on it either... That's why I hope my plan works. If not, then I will have to rethink many things about the future of the platform. The good thing is that I'm fairly excited about the plan I'm working on. I will definitely include you in the process, but waiting for the actual release of the ability of the tokens to be issued so that I can make sure what I'm talking about! (ie horse before the cart) ;)