When you least expect it, expect it. :)
Congratulations for the No. 1 spot. How does it feel? :)
I wouldn't call it a curse. I'd call it putting in the work. Over 500 comments with a high number of replies. Besides, I'm not the cursing kind of guy. :)
thats joke and phrase "curse", but yes it could be seen as one since i didnt really "want" it, but yes making all those comments was putting in the work along with everything else.
If it hadn't been so close this last week, I would say don't be surprised if you're back there again this next week. However, as close as it was, everyone will need to step up there game. The problem is, when talking strictly the competition aspect of the leagues, you never know who that's going to be because someone always comes out of the blue. :)
That doesn't mean it can't be you again, though. It just means more work, most likely. :)
Good thing is, the leagues aren't all just about the competition. It's about each one of us, and how we're doing, and what we're doing. There are benefits to this way beyond the 5 Steem prize for being No. 1 that will resonate for you for a long time after. You may already be experiencing the difference in who sees your stuff and who finds it of value.
yeah i had no idea about out of the blue part, which is what you must have been trying to tell me before. :)
yeah asher was saying it was getting tougher just to be on the list at all, and then for the top 10 is like miraculous. hehe
yeah honestly i had NO idea the prize was 5 steem! no kidding, i have never been in it for the monies. it was the numbers and then after getting to know some of you i understood more completely. plus lynn and gill are in another group of mine. :)
and some of the others.
i have not seen much of others coming by, a couple who noticed the list, but not yet. nope. maybe in the future? hehe
In time. The more we get out there, the more people will be intrigued, and if the leagues can continue to attract the Curie level of folks, I think more and more people will get interested, especially if the incentives go up. Don't know if that will ever happen, but who knows?
There were quite a few people signing up the week before. Half a dozen or so. That's quite a bit in just one week. I think there may have been more this week, but I didn't pay as much attention to it this time. It's happening, though.
many people in my groups have mentioned as have i, then my groups congratulated me when i won #1 this week so that helps right? its good for people to move out of just their groups to see what is going on outside once in awhile.