Where to even start with that. "Do you want mine" Really? You beat all. You will for sure be wasting all your time here if you keep trying to give away your earnings. You can't give those away anyhow but that's not the point.
I think you may be talking bull. I know you already get votes for SBI
I will debate with you later about the future of crypto. Right now we have to get you out of that oh so generous mindset.
Just in case here is the thing. SBI= @steembasicincome That share means you get more SBI pennies. Every time you post they will come by and vote (not more than once a day) The more shares you own the higher the vote. Click that link for full info.
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"really?" yes really! I was not talking bull. If it weren't for you I wouldn't have it at all so I would return the favor. lol.
I operate on a theological construct that I won't go into here, I don't want to ruin my redneck image! lol
And thanks for that link.
I have no debate about the future of crypto because it IS the future, I just don't know where or if Steem will fit in.
There is no way the Fed, the fed gov or the banks are going to lose control of the money supply so they will go with a crypto.
I think the fed gov will probably come out with their own called the Fed Coin or something like that and replace the dollar with it. that's my 2bit theory.
As far as my generous mindset; yes one of my reasons for going far in this is so that I can help alot of people but I realize I have to help myself first.
And I would like to say that I wouldn't go around helping just anyone but then my wife used to tell a joke about me that went something like this:
yeah if a stranger comes up to him talking about how bad off he is John will just pull out his checkbook and ask how much they need!
That's a little exaggerated( I hope) but yeah I gotta watch that. I need to have a closet full of shirts before I start giving the shirt off my back.
I would make an exception for you though! lol
I'm just teasing, you remind me of my hubs. He thinks he is going to save the world single handed. Anyway SBI is a good thing for people like you who post a lot. I need to start doing that myself.
oh I like that guy!
you need to start doing what yourself..posting alot or
getting compassion? lol
Oh yeah you two would make a gruesome twosome for sure.
Probably both.
lol! I'm sure.