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RE: 10 Questions

in #engagement3 years ago

The best sandwich?
ham cheese and tomatoes
Bitcoin from Ethereum?
Have you ever gotten a celebrity's autograph?
Carlitos Bala, an Argentine comedian
Favorite movie?
brave heart
What is your biggest fear?
old age
Favorite song?
Braveheart Theme (For the love of a Princess)
If money wasn't an issue, what would you do all day?
share pleasant moments with the people I love
What is the closest thing to real magic?
wake up and see the people i love
How do you want to die?
just sleep and not wake up anymore, I don't like to suffer any disease
Do you believe in aliens?
yes, I think they exist and had influences on the ancient inhabitants


Favorite movie?
brave heart

I bet you didn't know there are two sequels (sort of) to Braveheart.