
I did consider that, but just kept trying i dont feel to bad but my eyes are a little heavy LOL
I think it would be great if our friends and family say that about us when we are his age

My first reply since HF21 - yesterday I had no chance to post or comment ;)

I hope, your day went well yesterday and whatever has been in your mind did let you sleep last night.

Well, I do also hope, that one day somebody says the same about us, because I think, he hasn't changed since I know him, and I do know him my whole life :)

Gidday mate
Yes we survived the fork It worked out well for me timing wise I was busy at work while it was down but up again in my evening

yesterday was a lot better and I got over 5 hours sleep so a better day today 👍😎👍
I think we won’t change we have a positive and fun attitude and I don’t see that changing for either if us

Gidday my friend ;)

For me the hard fork the other way round: No problems while I was at work, but I could do nothing in the evening ... and so I had my first evening without Steemit for ages 😉

Right, if nothing really life changing happens, I / we will stay the same for the next 50 years - I wonder, if we will still be steeming, when we are 90 ;)

LOL I wonder if that is the case We could well be,

I think this hardfork may be better for you than for me, I read somewhere f you earn over 20 per post your rewards go up f less than 20 it goes down, so mine for sure will go down

I hope I will still be able to type, when I'm 90 - but I think, there will be new solutions developed by then ;)

Well, if I didn't pay for my votes... I have bought some Steem over the past few months, and I am buying votes at, because that way I get more for the Steem, than if I would convert it all directly to Steempower ;)
I don't know, how this will work from now on, but if the revenue is too less, I will convert it all to SP and my earnings will get back down to "normal" :)

He who knows what things will be like by then look at all he changes in technology we have seen

I see I have read the bidbots and smartsteem may struggle with this change in HF21, I dont have anything against them myself I jus choose not to use them, which may have been a mistake on my part