
Thanks. It's actually helped me to refocus on things and set some goals, so that's good, right? I've been way to competitive in my life, but wiping it out entirely doesn't seem to be helpful either. You spend too much time in a vacuum. Anyway, since you're still hanging out here, I thought I would come back and visit. :)

I hear you; I'm not too terribly competitive, but all of the interaction that goes on every Sunday, Monday...what' today? Thursday? I guess it goes on all week and that I'd hate to miss out on!

Thanks for "coming back and visit[ing]"; I've been MIA for a day and a bit because Brian was having to rough of things, but he's back to 'normal' now, so I'm ba-aack ;)

I wondered about that. There's quite a few comments on your last post that you would normally have already answered. Sorry about Brian. I know it is what it is, but it seems like it would be rough on both of you. At any rate, it's good to hear he's "normalized" and that you're back and at it again. :)

normal and I really try to focus on the "normalized" times.That's so nice, thank you @glenalbrethsen! It can be very difficult some days for sure, but it has become my

I'm just going to my posts now! By the way, it's a very nice feeling to be missed ;)