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RE: 10 Questions

in #engagement3 years ago
  1. Best sandwiches?
    Don't like sandwiches
  2. Bitcoins from Ethereum?
  3. Have you ever got a celebrity's autograph?
  4. Favorite movie?
    The Bang Bang Club and War photographer.
  5. What is your biggest fear?
    being chased by wild elephants while taking pictures
  6. Favorite song?
    Panglima Prang - Nyawoeng.
  7. If money weren't an issue, what would you do all day?
    Gathering with family.
  8. What is the closest thing to real magic?
    No Answer.
  9. How do you want to die?
    No answer. because it is God's will.
  10. Do you believe in aliens?
    no, I don't believe it.