Okay @abh12345, I see you “overshot” getting the “hot pink” award yet again, as did @bengy. Oh well, keep working on your “calibration,” as there is always next week. Don’t give up! 😉
Seriously, looks like another fun week, with @tattoodjay deciding not to leave any question about who’s #1. If I were him, I’d be keeping a close eye on @tarazkp though. If taraz ever chooses to focus his mind and “flying fingers” on commenting vs. posting, then he would likely make some of @janton’s old scores look small by comparison …
Also nice to see @delishtreats back up high on the list. Apparently she has some more time available, while she is waiting for positive developments in getting her new restaurant up and running.
Congratulations to all of this week’s winners. 1 SBI share is “in the bank” for the “hot pink” award winner this week - @bozz. Great job everyone!
Thank you sir, for your faithful efforts to put this together for us every week. Off we go into a new one! 👍
P.S. I always get some satisfaction seeing my name on the list, with a CL score (I wonder how many words these scores equate to?) that would place me up in the Top 10 …
Hi @roleerob, yes I failed again - last week too little, this week too much!
Thanks for the sponsorship and lowdown on this weeks movers and potential shakers, I do like to read peoples analysis and news relating to the numbers :)
As far as words, I would divide the CL by 4.5 for a rough estimate, this was from google after searching 'average word length english'
Thanks again, onwards!
Well if anyone would know @abh12345 I guess it would be Google. I wonder how many gazillion terabytes of content they have on which to perform some "number crunching?"
I think though I'll round up to 5 ... 😉
I am afraid to even think!
Thank you!
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