I hit 59 only a couple of hours after i wrote that coment, lol. It'll be a long way to 60. I see so many people who started out the same time as me now have a 61 or 62 rep score.
A lot of them have sugardaddies: support from dolphins or orcas, whos votes help you to build that rep faster.
So far, I haven't found such a sugardaddy yet - I don't know what you need to to or be to get one, but apparently I am not desirable enough, lol.
Fortunately, I do have a nutri-sweet-daddy. I assume I don't even have to explain who it is, lol
I truly enjoy the fact that I seem to have found at least part of my mojo again :0)
Considering the situation you are in, you zare re not doing so bad either, if I may say so ;0D