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RE: 10 Questions

in #engagement3 years ago
  1. Best Sandwich?
    Tofu and spinach between mayo and miso bread, with a splash of Sriracha
  2. Bitcoin of Ethereum?
  3. Have you ever got a celebrity's autograph?
    George HAll
  4. Favorite Movie?
  5. What is your biggest fear?
    Being falsely accused of something horrible.
  6. Favorite Song?
    Right now, Patti Smith version of Smells Like Teen Spirit
  7. If money was no object, what would you do all day?
    A variety of different things - kinda like I do now, but more diverse
  8. What’s the closest thing to real magic?
    Inter-personal interaction
  9. How do you want to die?
  10. Do you believe in aliens?
    Certainly. I may even be one of them...

Bitcoin of Ethereum?

Not really the question.

Of course not, HIVE is the answer! But given only two options I'll go with BTC (yawn).