It also appears that Glen declined reward, or that Asher made a new rule that you can only win 27 times in a row. Ha ha.
Yeah, I was on vacation that week and decided to be present on the vacation and do that well rather than trying to do two things poorly. I'm glad to be high enough that I could get a prize for 0 self-votes. Any time I can get a prize, I feel like I've done well that week. I like helping make Steemit a better place.
Glad to hear you liked the silver post. I'm going to be doing more of them. I want to get more involved with Steem Silver Gold and they really like posts on the shiny, so I need to do more of them. I just found a cool way of getting more low-cost silver and I'll be doing a post on that in the near future. Hopefully we can see a post on your newest acquisitions as well. :D If not, just send them to me on discord so that at least I can appreciate them.
Yeah, so last week I asked Asher if I could be taken off of the prize list. After five wins, which could have easily been seven, and all the time I've had to comment, etc., compared to the rest, I thought it would be better if I declined, at least for a while. If someone shows up with the numbers, it might be fun to jump back in again, but until that happens, I'd just as soon see the prize money spread around a little more.
That's very nice of you. You had quite the run going. I'm sure that it's appreciated by the recipients of your generosity. I'd like to see someone come in who could challenge you even more. Maybe @lynncoyle1 is going to go on a commenting spree and hit that 50k mark before you. I think that would be considered a qualifying event to bring you back into rewards. :)
That's very generous of you!
I told Asher that I reserved the right to come back into the prize money if there was someone who could legitimately get higher points, probably because they had the time to do it. That's probably not Lynn for the time being just because she's already got a lot going on. She gets unleashed, though, there's no telling what she'll do. :) I think she would rather not be unleashed given what it means, though.
Well, generosity is relative. Curie is generous. Asher is generous. Carlgnash and Paluag are generous. I'm just not taking something that wasn't mine in the first place with the hope that others will stay involved because there's not some guy spending 12 hours or so a day to earn it. :)
I'm glad you left yourself the option to get back into the money. It's very sporting of you to pass that on to other people. You don't have to pass it up, and since you're trying to earn money on here, I wouldn't blame you for receiving a reward that helps you accomplish that goal.
There are a lot of very generous people involved in this League, and I'm thankful for them. It's been an encouragement to me to get those boosts when I've placed high enough. It makes me want to do it again.
@themanwithnoname hahaha... yes, after 27 times you get handicapped.... like in golf... he is only allowed 5 hrs a week in which to compete to give us a chance. :P
I did like your post, I read it to feature it on Unleash Power... I have talked to a few of those guys @nofiat is a good guy you should get to know... And I will send you on discord on the shiny stuff... I just ordered some more generic rounds at spot... so I'm always happy with buying silver at spot!
I've heard that's the cutoff, 27. At least you're only handicapped like in golf and not kneecapped. That would be different! 0.0
I'm glad you liked the dimes. I just did another silver post that is a little different than any I've seen on Steem yet. Check it out if you have a chance. It seems you like deals from your comment, so you might like this idea.
@themanwithnoname yes I was thinking about that too... But since I already used that on you when you were the king, I didn't want to give everyone the impression that is my M.O. ;)
Yes loved your post, will be going out this weekend and seeing what I can find out there too (you gave me a great idea!)
You don't want to become predictable. That's how they get you.
I wish you great fortune on your quest. :)
@themanwithnoname lol... see you get it... of course, since we are related I guess we should think alike! And thank you, I will let you know if I strike any keepers!