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enjoy your nap, im going to bed, its late, sleep well

You are starting with -10k points this week Mrs G!

Yea. That’s not right @paulag, not right I tell yea

oh yea Asher, thats just bully behavour and I will just do an exposure post

Might do an exposure post myself to get some of the nsfw crowd 😁

interesting, I better get my glasses on so :-) lol

Magnifying glasses? :P

I was trying to be nice, didnt work no?

You 2! I'm docking 10k points this sunday!

I am going to use the Adam defense.@paulag made me eat the apple say thoes things

That Works better when a line goes through it. LOL.

lol I made you say those things, too late now @wolfhart hahah

It was to late when Adam used that lousy excuse also.

-10000. It would take me two weeks to get 10000 points. Fooled him. πŸ˜‚

We have about 24 hours until the engagement league post come out. I think I have done better this week. But then again I thought that before.

He knew I was full of crap and just engaging ; )

lol 24 hours yea, well I better get my skates on if I wanna make it to the top 10 this week. Lots done, lots more to do

Yea there is always more to do.
I have never worried where I placed in the rankings. Its about friends. And the personnel connection not the quantities of engagements.
I do enjoy watching others place and the joy they get out of it.

hahah im typing like crazy, wont have the time next week for so much engagement so this week I do hope I rank well. The last few weeks were a fluke, but now that im in the top ten, a hat trick would be good