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RE: 10 Questions

in #engagement3 years ago

Best Sandwich?
Grilled cheese
Bitcoin of Ethereum?
Bitcoin but i remain a crypto illiterate mostly
Have you ever got a celebrity's autograph?
Yes, well celebrity for me,a famous illustrator I had admired since a child, Brian Froud
But I aitigraphed myself a cd for a celebrity in a concert, Dolph Lungren and he was super nice and queue like the rest of the people to encourage me

Favorite Movie?
The Dark Crystal

What is your biggest fear?
Swimming in deep ocean
Favorite Song?
So many, this shifts constantly, but lots of eighties
If money was no object, what would you do all day?
Creating music and art and spending time nature hopefully tending to an orchard and some animals in an off grid home
What’s the closest thing to real magic?

How do you want to die?
Very old and during sleep. I fear death due to a trauma, as long as I have conscience and clear head I am going to cling to existence
Do you believe in aliens?
The universe is vast, I believe in alien life, by stars there must be and maybe unexpectedly closer than we think but not in the way we envision with our human like machines and eyes, and arms, even bilateral symmetry and limbs is part of earth evolution so it would be different and not the anthropocentric idea of ufos and humanoids.