So having read the original memo and a few articles.
I thought the memo was well written, thoughtful and made some good points.
I think Google firing him; went on to prove his point more.
I am concerned at the lack of free thought at Google. If they are willing to repress views internally (for a good reason of course); what other views might they repress (for a good reason of course). Censorship wether the great firewall of China; self-censorship; or 1984 needs to be carefully monitored.
It is actually sort of funny that a software company -inherently ran by a bunch of computer geeks- is having this problem.
There is a great Dilbert Cartoon in here.
What kind of PC world have we come to that a person can't say that men and women are different? May I sell you some magic fabric that only the intelligent can see? (alluding to the story of the Emperor has no clothes...)
This memo is likely "interpreted differently" whether you are male or female.
Anyway... a few of my thoughts.