Interesting article, thanks for sharing it.
Research reveals
Citation needed! Without linking to the research he's describing, this is just an opinion piece. It's also coming from someone who probably has a financial incentive to keep the current boy/girl stereotypes in place:
He is also co-hosting the first-ever Helping Boys Thrive Summit on May 24th to discuss how brain science influences raising and educating boys. This article features excerpts from Dr. Jantz's book Raising Boys by Design.
But that's just a presumption on my part.
There are a lot of very interesting claims here, and I wish he had linked to the studies in order to better understand how much of this is supported by current research and what the various rebuttals are.
The brains might very well be different but then we get to another interesting question: How much those differences are caused by culture and external influences and not just biological pre-determined systems? What role does epigenetics play in changing gene expression based on environment?
It's like the example I hear often: Cab drivers have more active parts of the brain dealing spacial awareness. Cool! Now the tricky part: Were they born that way genetically, or did the neuroplasticity of their brains adjust to their daily working conditions over time?
I don't think we have good answers for this yet. As such, I think we should be careful to accept the current status quo, especially if it causes harm to some.