If you already like this bearing can be damaged due to the absence of lubricant, the friction effect that occurs makes the axle become burned.

Not to mention the threat of rust is also worth watching out for, because bearings are often exposed to water so it is very easy to damage that makes the axle difficult to move.
Recognize the symptoms of the car axle when having problems by listening to the sound of the axle and the weakening of the wheels.
To prevent damage from being too severe as the picture above, you should have to recognize the signs of the axle that began to have problems.
Axles that start abnormally or have problems will be marked by a choking sound when invited to turn and when you make a stress on the car, the sound is very clear you listen to and you can feel the slow speed of the car as you press the brakes.
The sound comes from the outer shaft of the car that drives the front wheels, namely FWD.For example when turning right and a choking sound comes out,it can be concluded that the left axle is damaged, and vice versa. In addition, the sound can also be caused by rubber boot that the condition begins to stretch or dry.
One result is that water enters the axle and over time can remove grease or lubricants in the bearing.

We have to know one component of a car, bearing or wheel bearing.One thing that is important because it serves to reduce friction on the engine and alloy wheels of the car.
Because in general these bearings work to bear the burden of the vehicle either when the car is moving or stationary,so in fact this component has become a part of the car that is easily damaged.
However, the level of wear and damage to these bearings will be faster as shown above.

The bearings do have limited durability in holding the weight of the car. If the load must be borne by this bearing exceeds the maximum limit then surely the bearing will quickly wear out or be damaged.
Not only is the bearing broken, even worse, when a car is often used to carry excessive loads, this can make the axle become damaged and loss of balance of the car.
So,if you don't want your car's bearings to break easily,don't make it a habit to carry excessive loads.
In addition, the use of tires and rims that do not match the standard is also a very big influence to make the bearing of the car quickly damaged.
Because the use of tires and rims that are not according to standards makes the load and pressure received by the bearing become greater.
From here, if left unchecked, it will make the bearings wear out quickly or be damaged.
If your car often passes through damaged roads, surely the bearing will be damaged faster.
Unlike when a car passes a level and good road, it makes the weight of pressure on the car evenly distributed on all wheels.
From here the bearing will be maintained and not easily damaged.