¿Do you like math?

in #english8 years ago

I am woman a math teacher and have extensive teaching experience in the area. When I start the courses, I usually ask my students if they like this subject. The affirmative answer usually does not exceed 10% of the total of my students. The same thing happens when I ask that same question to any person and in any environment; In advance I know the answer; In effect it is "no" in most cases.
Submerged in this problem I wonder ... What happens? Why do not most people like math? And I get answers in the same people; Most people consider mathematics to be boring and repetitive; They do not get real-life app.
Well, I must say that, even with such a negative tradition, there are a number of reasons that speak for themselves about the charm that this science brings. Charms that we can begin to share in this brief article.

Why do they think they are boring and repetitive?
Most of those who agree that mathematics are boring and repetitive think that academic activities linked to it have been charged with repetitive rules and algorithms where memory is preponderated rather than reflection. But this view could change if instead of preponderating the memorization and the repetition of operations and mathematical rules, its application will rather preponderate to real situations; That is, the reason for its nature will be explained.
In the interaction that the human being has with nature, society and other objects characteristic of theory, there is a purpose; It is to adapt it to meet their needs and achieve well-being and progress. For this, it has had to create general rules of thought management; That is, own logics. From this arise languages; One of these is math. For yes, mathematics is a language created by the human being to encode the general laws that govern both the natural and social thought and reality. Therefore, I think that a suitable form for mathematical training should be through real applications.

Curiously, we have been encountering, over a long period of time, with discourses that cultivate the criterion of underestimating any effort that, from mathematics, is made in order to be applied to real situations. Also with speeches that maintain that the mathematics carries with it the purpose that the other sciences have; That is, explain the real and the intended. Within the first of the lines, we come across Luitzen Egbertus Jan Brouwer (Dutch mathematician, 1881-1966), who says that the construction of mathematics is an art in itself; That its application to the real world constitutes a vile parasitic action. Within the second line, we find the English mathematician (London, 1952) John D. Barrow who states in fundamental terms that the whole objective world is mathematical.
I am of the criterion, following the reflections of the Venezuelan philosopher Alexander Moreno (1947), that everything that mathematics has been producing in terms of what not a few call "purity" is, in the end, a knowledge that in the future You will find - in some way - application. Future that, now with the world of computers, will be a present. And close!



great read here .
i've seen students not like problem solving in math like word problems
especially in calculus (rate of change .. fluid problems), algebra or geometry
maybe students feel like they dont have the tools to find the answer .
if you google word problems in calculus , algebra , or geometry, differential equations, you may see that it seems like the teacher throws the student into an known world of solving an engineering problem.. ( even if they should seem to be prepared)
i personally like and for me the first step was getting over fear and anxiety whilst learning and practicing problems because the brain can get really distracted and not learn as well in fearful state.
i actually dropped out as a seniour math major because Advanced Calculus and Linear Algebra and Differential Questions are not useful to me PERSONALLY ( or to MY career) even though we all unknowingly use it sometimes. i just use in day-to-day life without focusing on it entirely and its just more natural and easy.
anyway great post . and i love you for your ambition !

these are the last courses i took

Thanks for your comments.
The mathematic is part of our life, is inside our brain; If we wat do not explain the discoveries of the same truth in mathematics, by different mathematicians, in different places and at different times, there are many examples, among them we have the Pythagorean Theorem. Mathematics is in everything, it is the basis of computer technology, and all the technology we use. It is in our life, in our society, in everything. If that is so, why not pay more attention to this problem that I am posing, we must find a solution, with alternatives that go beyond just teaching repetitive algorithms, that in the case of teachers; But in the case of most people there should be a desire to know more about the nature of mathematics.

I think it is important to show kids the cool stuff you can do with math. Now what adults think is cool, but something they would appreciate. This can be explaining how arrays are used to make video games. From there, you can go into solving matricex, i.e. equations with variables.

Good article.

Buen día, estamos manejando las mismas ideas, claro que es así

Exposure to a mathematically talented adult is one of the most effective ways to awaken math interest in a child. Unfortunately mathematically talented individuals seldom become grade school teachers so most children do not get such exposure. Only a few lucky children have a family member or friend of the family that really knows and likes math. Grade schools should have ways for math loving adults in the community to donate time to the school showing kids how fun math can be.