Benefits of Legumes

in #english7 years ago



We all know that legumes are a superfood, but we include them in small amounts in our daily diet due to lack of habits and customs that favor their consumption, pay attention so that you do not miss the virtues of this great group of foods.

🔸 They have high protein value and constitute the food of vegetable origin with higher protein content, including soy, has a quality protein very similar to meat.

🔸 High fiber content that is beneficial for intestinal functioning, to reduce blood cholesterol and promote glycemic control.

They bring great satiety, allowing the appetite to stay at bay for longer.

🔸 They are a source of iron, especially lentils and chickpeas, an essential mineral in the diet of any individual and especially among athletes.

🔸 They have low glycemic index, that is, they raise the glucose slowly in the organism, being able to be a good alternative to ingest in preparations before training.

They are a source of vitamin B complex that collaborate with the proper functioning of the central nervous system.

🔸Among other minerals, legumes provide calcium, phosphorus, magnesium, iodine and potassium, all of them essential for the proper functioning of the neuromuscular system. Now you know, do not leave the vegetables outside of your daily diet.