Being in shape and leading a healthy lifestyle is closely related to our confidence, security, etc. and also the performance in bed. Being comfortable with your body and physical condition is related to safety and confidence when it comes to maintaining satisfactory sexual relations, according to studies in more than 5,000 women report clear benefits of high intensity exercise and orgasms achieved during their sexual relations, another data important is that according to the association of Urology at Duke University Medical Center, men who exercise consistently tend to be two thirds less likely to have sexual dysfunction, now you want to know what exercises favor our sex life? Cardio exercises (swimming, running, walking, etc.), Core strengthening exercises (Work the strength of the abdomen, pelvic area and lower back), exercises for flexibility (these help us to a good recovery and expansion of our range of motion).
caramba jejejejeje a ejercitarse todo el mundo jejejeje no vale en serio no sabia eso de los hombres, sera por algo con el corazón? Como dicen que para lograr una erección es necesario el bombeo de la sangre... no se en el caso de los hombres soy turista jejeje.
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