In addition to giving life, one of the gifts that God gave us is to produce an exquisite and perfect maternal sage for our babies, who delight in feeding on us. I know for his face of satisfaction and that smile that gives me when he finishes eating.
The connection that is created between mom and the baby is something inexplicable, it can only be understood by those who live or have lived this beautiful experience. My baby and I are synchronized, every time he has to eat
I feel that my breasts are loaded of milk and it's at that precise moment when he starts crying because he's hungry, so I do not need to see the clock, my body tells me when is the moment. For me this is something unique.
Personally I do not get tired of breastfeeding my baby, in addition to all the benefits that this act of love brings, I feel it is my obligation as a mother to provide what for the perfect work of God we are able to produce: Maternal milk.
Many women do not like to breastfeed for aesthetic reasons, they think that their breasts will be deformed, allowing the liquid gold that runs through their mammary glands to dry and denying the most advisable food to their children . I know that a good mother is the one who does not let her baby go hungry and if they decide to give formula it is something that is respected, but reflect on how to stop offering what has been created for that purpose by letting go of that opportunity in this life.
It has no price, I catalog it as one of the best moments of a woman.
Other mothers say they do not have enough milk to give to their babies, I tell them never to doubt their production because the milk will always be there while the baby is feeding on it.
Skin-to-skin contact, the sweet and unique baby smell, his little eyes looking at me as if saying "Thank you mommy", his little hands taking my chest or my hand as if clinging to that which gives him peace, security and happiness ending with a tender smile or a relaxing dream after feeding on me makes me reaffirm that it is the best thing I can do by following my mother's instincts empowered with her exclusive white gold.
For me it is a privilegio, here it is inside of me and only for you my dear baby.
Look how he looks while I watch over his dreams and melt with love.
Thank you for reading me!!!
mother love her son
With all my heart @blackhacker greetings!!!