Many plants can be useful in the face of insomnia, especially those that have a sedative or hypnotic character.
The passion flower is counted among the best remedies for this disease because of its effectiveness as a sedative, its scientific name is Passiflora Caerulea, it provokes a natural and restful sleep to those who try it.
It has the ability to reduce nervous overactivity and irritability. It is ideal for people who, late at night, find it difficult to disconnect everyday problems. It acts as much to combat anxiety as stress and reduces hypertension if it is of nervous origin.

It is also indicated to treat palpitations, feelings of panic and senile tremors.

Preparation mode
20 to 30 grams of flowers and leaves of this plant are boiled per liter of water, you should drink 3 cups daily, 2 before bed and a third cup during the night.
Natural medicine should be taken as the first option as a solution to our low-severity diseases.
I hope you have served my publication and as my grandparents said ... "natural medicine if it does not heal you will not hurt you either"