in #english7 years ago



Having a child is an extraordinary experience, but all that flood of emotions can be overwhelming for many parents. However prepared and confident we are, there will always be a time when we will have no idea what we are doing. The good news is that this is a big part of fatherhood. Here are 10 tips that nobody gave you and that you really need.
1. Your life, at least for the next two years, will try to be sleepy. You better know and assimilate as soon as possible. Do not worry, you will not even have time to feel tired or complain.
2. Your baby will always be the one who cries the loudest. At least you're going to believe it every time you hear it. The truth is that it is very likely that only you believe and that is fine. Your crying is an evolutionary tool designed so you can not ignore it.
3. Babies are more resistant than you think. The first time you carry it you will be very afraid of breaking it, they seem so fragile. The reality is that babies are strong and elastic, take it with confidence but do not forget to support your neck and head.
4. You will be wrong many times. Parents are not infallible and children are not glass. You will make many mistakes, some that will become a funny story over the years and others that will make you huge scares but in the end (repeat this many times), you and your baby will be fine.
5. You will be disgusted. The first thing we learn from children is to lose their disgust. You will touch things you never imagined (such as vomit and urine) and you will become an expert in identifying the tones, textures and smells of feces.
6. Never compare it with other babies. Every child is a world, do not worry if your friend's baby is already crawling or holding and yours does not show signs of wanting to do so. Everyone has their rhythm, do not press it. Life is not a competition.
7. Cleanliness and order will take a back seat. Your priority will be to keep your baby healthy, comfortable and fed. You will do the task later. Nobody is going to judge you for that.
8. Everyone will give you an opinion about it. It will rain hundreds of tips on what you should or should not do with your baby. Smile kindly and do what you believe best. Intuition is your best ally in this.
9. Accept all the help they offer you. This is not the time to refuse any kind of help. If someone offers to take you to eat or do your shopping, take advantage of it.
10. The office is not a priority. When your children grow up you will not regret having wasted time at home with them when you could be in the office, right?

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