Silence the world for a few minutes and look around, if you do not find anyone then try to enter the deepest part of your being, if even then you feel empty then it is because you are really alone; DO NOT BE SCARED!!
Society since childhood has sold us the idea that loneliness is bad, it is horrible, it is a terrible thing that is incredibly false, obviously this produces an anxiety to see you surrounded by many people.
Loneliness is nothing but the absence of something, think; you only have a lot of space to fill, think that solitude gives you the opportunity to reflect on the things you have done well and what you have done wrong, it gives you the perfect time to bare your soul and your heart. Find yourself, if you look for the things that you like the most, that you are most passionate about, you have all the time in the world to start making plans, setting goals, dreaming about that life project that you wish to undertake.
Do not waste time listen and listen to the sounds of your city, open your senses, look for opportunities, you have two options: look for what you want because life is about that or stop and continue grieving because you feel lonely.
If you feel alone, put music to your life and dance, total nobody looks at you, nobody judges you.
Maybe in reality you are not so alone, perhaps it is a test of life for you to reflect and thus straighten your way.
Remember that loneliness is not eternal, I am a witness to that, and that is why I write these letters to attest to that.
Trust in yourself, believe in your abilities, qualities, talents because we all have them, if I touch you in a stage of your life to walk alone in the world without the support of anyone, to become a stronger person than you have been, because at some point all that tesera very useful.
You and only you are the one who decides where to be and who to be with, decide carefully! and guide the emotions of the people towards you, and then decide if you still want to be alone.
And if you are going to allow new people to enter your life, to be pro-active people, positive people who add valuable things to your life, not to be subtracted from energies.
Buen post, bien estructuado, pusiste una buena foto, buen título buen inglés, buen contenido, por mejorar debes saber que en los post en inglés no se suele poner la etiqueta "#english", una buena etiqueta sería #life
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gracias @arkmy,siempre tomándote un tiempo para darme buenos consejos, sigo aprendiendo.