Today I they bring a very important post, since I have noticed a considerable increase of persons addicted to the consumption of the Benzodiacepina. These are “psychotropic medicines that act on the nervous central system. That is to say, his action does not limit itself to relaxing us only or to sedating us, they are anticonvulsive, amnesic and miorrelajantes ". These medicines act as sedatives or that make the functions of the body slower. The same ones are prescribed “to treat disorders of panic or of widespread anxiety, as well as the insomnia, the alcoholic abstinence, the epilepsy, the affective disorders, to relieve the surgical, and enclosed pain to happen the detoxification of certain drugs ". In my case I began to take them as problems of insomnia. My first recipe was saying exactly 0,5 mg at 9:00 pm for 15 days.
After beginning the treatment. To the short term, the problems of insomnia were diminishing. Only the persons who suffer this disorder can be able the difficult thing that is, be awake the whole night. Every minute turns into a torment, the thoughts begin to travel as cars in a highway. They existed in the nights in which only it wanted that everything was finishing. The sleep disorder I affect so much my school performance (though the studies were not my fort) as the quality of my youth. The first tablet that I took was rivotril, clonac, clonazepam, the same compound one different trade names. At some time manage to consume another type of tablets.
I decided to follow his consumption without importing the side effects. A bad decision. My quality of life was declining every day more, in these days I think in mímás as an automaton. It could not support his concentrate, I tell them that I began to study Accountancy and to end with an Economist's title, I was late two years more than my companions in graduating. My personal environment turned a hell, only imagine to lose any notion of life, sometimes he was thinking that madman would turn me, was my worse dread, so much that, already it had a plan of finishing with my life if this happened.
Nevertheless, I married and had a pretty child. Manage to obtain some works after graduating, though for this then I was not living, it was a dead man who was breathing. I happened from a work to other one from different natures, to stop of the bed it was so difficult, was living as a ship without course in the sea of the life, taken by the waves. For this then I experienced many assaults of panic almost always in the nights. Certain day in a trip near my natal city I felt that he would die, my heart was going to thousand per hours with chill perspiration, if it was not because my wife was accompanying me, surely it had finished boarding school in a hospital. She I manage to recognize the assault of panic and calm down until we come to the house.
In these moments, my consumption of tablets was totally over-excited, always it had a récipe with me to have a box of reservation, they do not know the easy thing that was in this at the time to buy this type of medicines, it was selling with récipe normally at an accessible price, almost like to acquire a medicine for the flu or for headache.
Sometimes it made giving myself with the salesmen of drugstores and was placing the récipe addressed to my mother, come to the point of lying to obtain them, since with the economic problems that happen my country, I return very difficultly to buy them and his price trebled. For this then my father had been diagnosed by cancer and was obtaining them for him. Only few ones were coming to his hands." The addiction makes you commit the worst acts, you lose the humanity ".
In the middle of the year 2016, my relation was deteriorating in excess and at the end of year it was mounted in a taxi, with few clothes that they were fitting in my suitcase again it was coming back home of my mother, in the same quarter where it had taken my first tablets, prescribed for 15 days and 18 years had happened. I met finished, thought about many horrible things, but it instead of finishing with I I fortified and decided to stop consuming them. He was feeling muscular spasms, motion sicknesses, dizziness, headaches, my eyes always were kept red, it could not sleep, had nightmares, assaults of panic. The day that firmémí judgment of divorce already had weeks of having stopped them consuming, the syndrome of abstinence performs the worse thing, enclosed only in a quarter I lived dante's hell************
To the moments that I write this post I lead more than one year without consuming the tablets, still I sit some side effects, the fight is every day, sometimes do not even be where I place my keys or the pent drive. Many things forget me, but already I do not sit the spasms, practise meditation and Buddhism, it has helped me very much. To the persons who read my post I want to recommend to focus in the problem that originated Benzodiacepina's consumption, with the help of his doctor try for all the means to stop taking them. I recommend the meditation.
I am very worried by numbers that I have read on the use of these medicines, in my country they sell even for Facebook. I have attended how you present they cry for not having them, despair and are capable to commit violent acts for a few tablets. I have never consumed another type of drugs but I think that the Benzodiacepinas are so addictive as the illegal drugs. The governments must intervene. I have read for the Internet, that the doctors prescribe these drugs for all kinds of problems, in my country they are not fulfilled by the procedure, anyone can obtain them, for what his use and abuse is a problem of public health.
I would like that you read my Post and comment on your own history, if you consume this type of medicines capture he arouses of the effects that in a future can have … I want to be grateful to these web pages that it consults to mention some paragraphs and images.