EtherInc's goal is to create a protocol for the execution of decentralized organizations and the development of decentralized applications, offering a different system of compromise solutions that we believe can be very useful for a large class of decentralized applications, with special emphasis on those situations where rapid development time, the security of small, low-utilization applications, and the ability of different applications to interact in a very efficient manner are important factors.
The eInc organization is a smart contract with a pre-defined protocol (eInc protocol) that works in the EtherInc block chain, each eInc has a unique name and will be maintained through the eIncNS smart contract.
EtherInc (also known as eInc) makes DAOs a reality. eIncs are borderless and decentralized organizations, like Bitcoin, that are not limited by geography, intermediation and other artificial restrictions.
Create eInc organizations
ETI coin can be used to implement eInc organization in the EtherInc block chain, eIncNS to register eInc organizations.
Generate Proposals
ETI currencies allow you to make proposals such as Issue Shares, Appoint CEO and others for an eInc organization in the EtherInc block chain.
Choice of Proposals
ETI currencies allow you to vote on proposals/projects for the organization of eInc in the EtherInc block chain.
Remuneration Salary
The TSI Currency can be used to pay the salary through the development of the'Wage/Payment' proposal and pass this proposal on to pay the salary.
Work Process:
We develop einc to train teams around the world to create, manage and manage democratic decentralized organizations with greater adaptability and trust, enabling the efficient generation of values without borders, without restrictions and through costly intermediaries.
About the Token:
Token ETI
Price PreICO 1 ETI = 0.10 USD
Price 1 ETI = 0.10 USD
Available Bonus
Reward Available
MVP/Prototype Available
Ethereum Platform
Accepting ETH, BTC, LTC
Minimum investment 0,5 ETH
Soft cap 1,000,000 USD
Hard cap 22,000,000,000 USD
Country Australia
Whitelist/KYC KYC and Whitelist
U.S. Restricted Areas
Road Map
Q3 2017
- eInc DApp released in Ethereum blockchain
- Launch - eInc Organization Explorer
- EtherInc's block chain research began
- EtherInc lock chain source code released
- Launch of 7 public EtherInc main network nodes
- Launch of 3 Ropsten nodes of public EtherInc block chain
February 24, 2018
- Launch of the EtherInc wallet
- EtherInc Block String API (MAINNET) released
- Launch of EtherInc's Block String API (ROPSTEN)
February 27, 2018
- Launching the status of the EtherInc blocking network (MAINNET)
- Launching the status of the EtherInc blocking network (ROPSTEN)
- Launch of the eIncMeta Chrome extension
March 06, 2018
- EtherInc (ETI) Public mining started
- Some Mining Pools listed by EtherInc
Q2 2018
- Strengthening the EtherInc Community
- The sale of coins began
Q3 2018
- EtherInc Exchange List
- Partner with wallet providers to include ETIs
- Invite startups to perform ICOs using the EtherInc block chain
Q4 2018
- Launch of Marketplace eInc dApp
- Launch of the eInc home portal for selecting startups
- based on the community's vote
- The development of eInc dApp for Marketplace will begin, such as: DAICO, HR dApp, Payroll dApp, Payroll dApp
Q1 2019
- Diplomacy begins to partner with countries to obtain legal status for eInc organizations.
Q2 2019
- Launch of eIncNS (eInc Name service / organisation registry)
- Launch of the eInc start-up fund in collaboration with incubator programs worldwide
Q3 2019
- Start of research on new CAD models
Q4 2019
- Camps to educate people about the advantages of eInc organizations
- Partnerships with universities to educate on the organizational structure of eInc
Work team
Tarun Malik - CEO
Suryansh Kumar - Technical Director
Anant Mendiratta - CMO
Vladimir Nikitin - Advisor
Tyler Sanford - Advisor
Nikolay Shkilev - Advisor
Douglas Lyons - Advisor
Mofassair Hossain - Advisor
Rumen Slavchov - Advisor
Sandeep Amar - Advisor
Madison Van Bennekom - Advisor
Jatin Malwal - Advisor
If you want to join, visit the following links for more information:
Sitio Web
Bitcointalk user : yosepatricia
myetherwallet: 0x18B1671C22480Eb27E333CF2e235Ad6E4aD0aA2E