in #english7 years ago (edited)

Sixteen years have passed since the attack on the World Trade Center and the fear of a new September 11th, like the one of 2001, the most deadly ever committed in the United States, with about three thousand people missing after the demolition of the Twin Towers. the city of New York.

The 11S

On the morning of September 11, 2001, four aircraft were hijacked by 19 men affiliated to the Al Qaeda terrorist organization, divided into four groups, each with a trained pilot.

To commit attacks, terrorists selected planes and precise moments. They chose a day with less air traffic, flights with few passengers and planes with recently loaded ponds.

At the time of the WTC attack, there were over 500 companies in 28 countries, with 50,000 employees, carrying out financial activities related to Wall Street.

North Tower

At 08:46:30 am, American Airlines Flight 11 (AA 11), loaded with about 38 thousand liters of fuel strokes between floors 93 and 99 of the North Tower of the World Trade Center (WTC) at an estimated 650 kilometers per hour, giving rise to the attacks.

At first it was thought that the collision was due to an accident; the first press notes even indicate that it was a small plane.

Immediately his 93 occupants die plus an indeterminate number of people who were in the tower.

At 10:28 am the North Tower collapses, having resisted an hour and 42 minutes since it was attacked. The "ground zero" is covered by ruins, smoke and dust that can also be seen from space.

The September 11 attack is considered the worst terrorist attack in US history. EFE
South tower

Sixteen minutes after the impact on the north tower at 09: 02: 59, United Airlines Flight 175 (UA 175) crashes against the south tower, between floors 77 and 85 to more than 800 kilometers per hour.

In the crash the 64 occupants of the plane died and an unknown number of people in the building is broadcast live. 56 minutes later the south tower of the WTC collapses.

The so-called lower part of the island of Manhattan was covered by thick columns of smoke and dust.

Theories on 11S

In recent years there have been many explanations and tests that question this official version of events.

According to the American terrorist authorities of Al Qaeda, led by Osama Bin Laden, they have diverted two commercial planes, bombed the Pentagon and crashed in the Twin Towers, in New York City.




1st post. wow! I remember.

thank you, I hope you support me