Seven habits that are negatively affecting your health (and maybe you did not expect)

in #english7 years ago

The main habits that affect our health we all know: eat well, exercise, rest enough, do not smoke, drink little (or nothing) ... But once we have this controlled, if we start to look in detail, It turns out that there are many other things that we do in our day to day life that seems to have an effect on our health.

Of course, its impact is not the same as that of the customs we mentioned before: its influence is much more modest in comparison. Some may sound like you, but others may surprise you because you never thought that such a harmless habit could impact your health.

According to a recent study, people who like to stay up late (getting up late and getting up late) but have to live with a morning schedule that forces them to get up early have a 10% higher risk of dying prematurely than people who go to bed early and get up early without it costing so much effort.

The study concludes that it would be good for society and companies to be more flexible with their employees' schedules so that those who need to get up later and work until later can do so. It also gives a series of tips so that night owls can reorient their internal clock: be exposed to sunlight in the morning but not at night, follow a routine before going to bed and generally try to advance your schedule.

2.Look at the mobile before going to bed
Several studies have concluded that the white light emitted by the screens of mobile phones and tablets can reduce the quality of sleep and cause insomnia. The reason is that our internal clock is based on sunlight to set our circadian rhythms that guide us in 24-hour cycles.

Therefore, in the darkness of the night we usually have a dream. If at that moment we plug our retinas the white brightness of the mobile screen, our brain is confused and no longer knows if it is time to sleep or not. That is why it is better not to use the mobile before going to sleep, and if possible, activate a more yellow glow on the screens the time before bedtime.

3.Spend sitting 8 hours a day
The sedentary lifestyle is one of the causes of obesity has become a global epidemic. According to a study, even people who train daily but have a job that requires them to sit for 8 hours a day have a 90% higher risk of developing diabetes than people with a job that forces them to stand up or movement.

If this is your case, try to incorporate movement into your work as much as you can. Here we gave you some tips and tricks to do it.

4.The idea of ​​"no pain, no gain"
Training to the pain and then a little more is a mantra very heard in gyms and among amateur athletes, and means that if you do not reach the limit, and you surpass it there is no progress.

This idea is a danger because it can lead the body to exhaustion and cause injuries that, then, will prevent us from progressing. If you want to know more about this topic, here we talk about the danger of this idea.

5.Excessive genital hygiene
Of course, hygiene is necessary as part of caring for your health and your life in society. But excessive hygiene of certain areas of the body, especially the vagina in women, can be harmful to your health.

The reason is that the body has its own methods of defense of such a sensitive place, and for this produces a mucosa that keeps pathogens at bay. An excess of hygiene can damage or eliminate that defense barrier and end up being the cause of infections.

6.Spending too much time with sweaty or wet clothes
Although exercising and sweating is a good way to raise your heart rate and burn calories (although, remember: sweating is not the same as losing weight), staying after too long with sweaty clothes on may cause problems with genital infections, which is the perfect breeding ground for fungi and bacteria. The same happens if we spend a lot of time with the wet suit after getting into the pool or the sea.

Again, the risk of infections, especially urine, is greater for women. The reason is that the urinary tract is shorter and it is easier for bacteria to reach from the urethra to the bladder, where they proliferate and cause problems.

7.Eat while watching TV
What can be wrong with the news, a series or a movie while you eat? At first glance, nothing, but in reality, something bad does have: it distracts you from what you are eating and causes you to eat more and faster, which can increase the calories consumed above expectations.

Actually, it's not just TV. Eating in front of the computer while you are still working or while reading a novel that has you absorbed has the same effect: distracting yourself from the most important thing you are doing at that moment: eating. Turn off the screens or close the book for a while and savor.


I think this is a huge problem and one of the easiest things to fix: "Look at the mobile before going to bed"

Looking at your phone can really hurt your quality of sleep, it becomes really hard for your body to get into that REM sleep! Putting it down an hour before you go to bed will make all the difference! :)

I love this post! :)