This post is perhaps one of the most important I have written so far why? Because I'm happy to be able to write about a fulfilled goal. The most emotional day of my life has been this, filled with a lot of mixed feelings; It was the most exciting, sad, and at the same time frustrating day of these 18 years that accompanied me.

The day of your graduation, you must be the happiest and most satisfying; You are achieving that proposed goal of getting a college degree, but it is even happier and more satisfying to do it with those people who throughout the race became your family, those who made the university a much better place. These people were with me for 2 years and 3 months, and yes, we are T.S. U (University College technician) in computer science, specifically. It was two wonderful years, with them I could create very strong bonds; Some were one more acquaintance, and with others it was something more than a friendship... I could say I found other brothers.
You're happy with your family, excited to meet your friends to receive their college degree together. For me, as I mentioned earlier, this day was the most exciting, sad, yet frustrating day. Exciting because I was with my family celebrating having been able to culminate this stage, having come so far to be imprisoned in the crisis that crosses the country; Sad and frustrating, because great friends could not be present, unfortunately they had to emigrate a few days before graduation.

For most of the act of degree my face was full of tears; They were tears of happiness for receiving my title, and tears of sadness at the absence of my friends. The only imagining how sad it was for them not to be this day, I completely broke my heart, I could only imagine what it would be like if they were there, happy like all that if we could be with our family. It was also sad to think that many would no longer continue the race for the same reason, after graduation it is their turn to emigrate; There are more and more absences of those good friends that I made in my way during the university, more and more those who must give up their dreams in the country that saw them born, to leave their friends and their family. Everything to seek a better present and ensure a better future, the present and the future that unfortunately are taking away all the young people who are still in Venezuela.
I am very grateful to my boyfriend for capturing this moment @jaoc6. I was hugging the mother of my best friend @leynesmoran, had left the room of amphitheatre listening to the melodious lyrics of the song "Venezuela." Seeing my mother, and her who has also been like another mother to me, my eyes and those of them again filled with tears... tears that are expressed in this picture.
It was also very gratifying for me to share this day with a great childhood friend. We are from different university careers, but share that achievement and satisfaction together.

Someone who besides being my classmate, is also my friend or, rather, my sister. We celebrated our high school graduation together, and now our graduation as T.S.U. Fortunately here is all, because of the situation that we all know, this friend will not continue with me this path that remains in the university. Of all the friends who have retired, she's been the one I've been emotionally affected by. It's hard to see how the people you care about must leave in search of a better life; For her I only wish happiness, and many, many successes.

I finally give thanks to my parents, for them, for them and thanks to them is this achievement. They have been the motivation and those who have given me the strength to continue, to continue and not to desist. His advice and teachings were essential in order to receive this title. Seeing my parents so happy and proud with those tears in their eyes makes me feel strong enough to want to continue. I hope I never disappoint you. And just fill them with pride and joy.

I've only one beauty gift for ya..