identify them and get rid of them
First, true friendship looks after the welfare of the other person and provides help
to grow. Learn to identify and stay away from toxic relationships because
You can only thrive when you walk with the right people.
How to know if you are trapped in a toxic friendship?
1- Mipulation:
Many toxic relationships are based on manipulation. A
person who uses tears, tantrums, threats or scams so that
Do what she wants is not your friend.
2- They leave you when they need it the most:
Many toxic friends disappear when you have problems. The
difficulties open our eyes so we can see who they really are
our friends. Some will say they do not have time for "dramas"
of others, and this may sound wise, but the reality is that friendships
reals stay with you even when your cup is empty. They help you
fill it again.
3- Spoilers, people with bad vibes:
Sometimes toxic people are killjoys. We all have dreams and
aspirations Your real friends give you advice but support your dreams
crazy Stay away from people who are always ready to
point out all the reasons why your idea will fail.
4- Unnecessary and out of place conversations:
Toxic conversations make you feel empty. A few years ago I decided
I needed to spend less time talking nonsense on the phone.
So I just stopped calling people. It was a drastic measure,
I admit, but after a few weeks I could see that my
true friends were the ones who kept calling me because they had
something exalting to say. I learned that my deep conversations
They must be reserved for those people who believe in me.
5-Toxic friends criticize your personality:
Generally toxic friendships deplete. Walk on cascaritas de
egg so that fussy people will not be offended, tires. A friend
true allows you to be yourself.
Toxic people believe that it is their duty to improve you. Get away from the
People who constantly criticize you and try to change you. In spite of
I think your friends should inspire you to live your best life,
It must be a natural and not forced process.
6- They want to occupy all your time:
Sometimes toxic friendships isolate you from the other people in your
lifetime. Beware of those relationships that consume so much time and energy
that you almost do not have time for your family. Toxic people
They tend to suffocate you. Friends who are interested in your well-being
They know that everyone needs their space and they allow you to walk away without
the fear that the friendship ends.
You can not associate with people who do not share your dreams and goals
simply because no matter how hard you try, you can not force them to
love you That lack of acceptance will contaminate the environment and take away the
ability to be yourself
What should you do if you are trapped in a meaningless friendship and want
finish it?
You do not want to hurt the other person's feelings because even though the
Things are not going well, you care. How do you tell her that you do not want to be her friend anymore?
It will be a good idea to simply disappear in the hope that she
get your subliminal message? What if you stop talking until he leaves?
Just like ending a romantic relationship, breaking up with a friend is nothing
easy. In fact, it is so complicated that most people prefer
continue to be involved with a person whom they simply can not stand for
Avoid all the drama related to a goodbye. I've heard from people who
they hide and pretend they are not at home to avoid spending time with
a person who does not like them anymore.
So, what should you do to end a friendship that has stopped
Talk with sincerity. Suddenly disappearing is not a
good idea because your friend will never know what she did wrong and
he will not be able to learn from his mistakes. That is unfair. Eye: this
Conversation can not be through chat.During the conversation, observe it: are you paying attention or
merely wait your turn to answer you? Does he deny everything
Do you say or change your words so that you feel guilty?
Do you keep an open mind and try to mend your failures? If you
friend is in denial, this is evidence that it is time to
take different directions.After the conversation, give yourself time and space to assimilate
what happened. If there is hope, find out what the steps are
what you need to take to correctly guide that friendship.
Do not let this person manipulate you to continue in the
relationship because this will create resentment. A relationship based
in pity seldom lasts.If you still feel that you must end the friendship, be kind. Remember
that life is spinning Make sure you tell the person that
He can count on you despite the separation. Be the clearest
possible without offending and without turning the matter around. In this way
You will avoid confusion.
But what should you do if it ends up with you? What if you are
the friend that everyone evades?
Take time to evaluate your attitude with honesty and seriousness. Is
You may need to improve some aspect of your personality or you may
be that you have the bad habit of surrounding yourself with people who do not appreciate you.
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