Para mí, ser madre es mi misión de vida, es mi camino, soy madre natural, nací para serlo y me hace muy feliz serlo. Sin embargo debido a un fuerte trauma esta semana he sentido mucho miedo, mi bebé, mi princesita Amatista se enfermó. Le dió fiebre (viral), duró 4 días y luego de eso vino un sarpullido en su cuerpo.
A pesar de que no me he separado de ella, estuve casi sin dormir durante 5 noches y atendiéndola casi que exclusivamente durante el día, de momento me sentía impotente porque dependía de que un medicamento hiciera efecto para que ella se sintiera bien, además de esto no quería comer y eso me llenaba aún más de angustia. Lo único que me reconfortaba un poco es que aún sigo amamantando y al menos eso sirve para que tenga nutrientes. Ayer luego de su siesta del día, apliqué una técnica distinta, sólo la senté conmigo en mi sitio de trabajo, coloqué en frente un plato (que no es el de ella) y dentro un trozo de brócoli, papa y pollo, seguí haciendo mi trabajo, comenzó tomando el brócoli reconociendo su textura y jugando con el, hasta que comenzó a comer, sola, sin presión continuó con la papa y por último el pollo. Realmente sentí que mi alma regresaba a mi cuerpo, ver esa carita y esas manitos llenas de comida es para mí el cuadro perfecto. Luego de eso su hermano mayor me hizo más feliz, él sabe que la comida preferida de su hermana es la pasta y llegó a mi casa (vive un piso mas abajo) con un tupper con pasta preparada especialmente para su hermanita, lo cual fué más maravilloso aún porque ella no lo pensó dos veces para comerse su pastita. En fin mi alma celebró, mi niña estaba comiendo y tiene al mejor hermano mayor de todo el mundo.
Durante estos días en que mi bebé estuvo sintiéndose mal y yo estaba a su lado, constantemente se me venía a la mente esas madres que deben trabajar fuera de casa, yo tengo la facilidad de que trabajo en mi casa, no debo salir y puedo estar con mi hija, pero hay madres que no cuenta ni siquiera con un permiso si un hijo se les enferma, esas madres que sí o sí deben ir personalmente a su sitio de trabajo porque de ello depende su ingreso para vivir, es muy duro y para ellas va mi reconocimiento, son madres maravillosas.

For me, being a mother is my life mission, it is my path, I am a natural mother, I was born to be one and it makes me very happy to be one. However, due to a strong trauma this week I have been very scared, my baby, my little princess Amatista got sick. She had a fever (viral), it lasted 4 days and then a rash came on her body.
Even though I have not separated from her, I was almost sleepless for 5 nights and cared for her almost exclusively during the day, at the moment I felt helpless because I depended on a medicine to take effect so that she would feel well, in addition to this she did not want to eat and that filled me even more with anguish. The only thing that comforted me a little is that I am still breastfeeding and at least that helps her have nutrients. Yesterday, after her nap, I applied a different technique. I just sat her down with me at my workstation, placed a plate in front of her (not hers) and a piece of broccoli, potato and chicken on it. I continued doing my work. She started taking the broccoli, recognizing its texture and playing with it, until she started eating, on her own, without pressure, she continued with the potato and finally the chicken. I really felt my soul returning to my body. Seeing that little face and those little hands full of food is the perfect picture for me. After that, her older brother made me happier. He knows that his sister's favorite food is pasta and he came to my house (he lives one floor below) with a tupperware with pasta prepared especially for his little sister, which was even more wonderful because she didn't think twice about eating her pasta. In short, my soul celebrated. My little girl was eating and she has the best older brother in the whole world. During these days when my baby was feeling ill and I was by her side, I was constantly thinking about those mothers who have to work outside the home. I have the advantage of working from home, I don't have to go out and I can be with my daughter, but there are mothers who don't even have a permit if their child gets sick, those mothers who have to go to their workplace in person because their income depends on it to live. It is very hard and my recognition goes to them, they are wonderful mothers.
Thank you.

*El vídeo fue tomado con la cámara de mi teléfono y editado con Convert / The video was taken with my phone camera and edited with Convert
*Los Gif fueron hechos con Canva/The Gifs were made with Canva
*Traducción hecha con Google Traslate/Translation made with Google Translate