But believe, in my country Venezuela is happening a devastating phenomenon for all those honest people, fighters, workers, entrepreneurs, yes, only for this type of people this phenomenon is devastating, and the phenomenon of which I speak is the following:
In my country people with values, principles, and all the wonderful adjectives with which they can qualify a person, are going through terrible situations in terms of the economic, because in my country is not worth the effort, the study, work, being an entrepreneur because nowadays people who have to live well, eat well, dress and have quality of life are unscrupulous people, that is, for example, the so-called "bachaqueros" who are people who they get products of first necessity (like food, hygiene products, medicines, among other things) with contacts in public entities, to sell them to the population at extremely high prices, thousands of times more expensive than the original price, where many times they are impossible to buy.
In this sense, as It may be possible that an honest person who works a whole month can not even buy the market for the month, can not buy a kilo of meat or cheese, much less hygiene products such as shampoo, soap toilet, deodorant, since you would have to work like 3 years in a row to buy them and I assure you that you will not be able to because the price of the products will have increased 1000 times more.
Sadly, There is not to eat, to clean, to dress, of course the people who work with dignity is one of whom I speak because those who cheat, rob the population, cheat and people with antivalores live very well. How ironic is life, while many work to get the daily bread (and do not achieve it), others doing evil live wonders.
Unfortunately, we live in the world where the good guys go to the psychologist for the things that the bad guy does.
Here, a Venezuelan writes to them, who lives in this unfortunate scenario where there are many economic difficulties, being every day more difficult to live with dignity as every human being deserves.
And just like this thousands of cases that I will tell you in future posts so that you have an idea of the reality of my beautiful country, which although now is marred with many injustices will soon return as the Phoenix to be reborn from the ashes ...
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Fighting for what we know to true, to be right, starts with how we live our lives, in our integrity, in daily habits.