Incredible those that are happening to us, what Venezuelans are suffering, we tell them and they do not believe us. We see it and turn to the other side because it is unbearable, never seen here. Luckily, some Latin American people have already changed the direction we are going.
We have crazy rulers, thieves, corrutos, inept, usurpers, narcos, fake, infiltrators, invaders, hypocrites, drug addicts, fugitives, pranes, bandits, scoundrels, true traitors of the country and stop counting, I think I have listed a good part. But nobody says anything. And the few who say they are imprisoned, disappear, persecute them or self-care as the last case we hear there.
I remember when this started people would turn to see if they were watching to comment between teeth that we are on the wrong track. We did not know what was missing to come.
If they discover that you speak up they can kill you. We are hidden in ourselves, afraid of living and surviving. We do not know how we are going to be tomorrow. I still believe that God is with us, the Virgin and all the Saints, if you do not see the earthquake that happened so hard and nothing happened here. But what has never been seen is happening to us.
They took our salary. A secretary of the University earns 50 more than the professor, the Aguacil earns more than the Judge.
The fortnight is not enough to eat two days. Now the chicken, cheese and meat are an unattainable luxury, which the government regulated and disappeared.
Some have preferred to flee from our country, others have committed suicide, others hide in their homes, others beg for not getting sick, families breaking up in the world, mothers praying for those children and grandchildren who do not know if they will ever meet again.
Others give their children with the pain of their soul so that they can at least eat. We are afraid to leave because we do not know if we are going back alive, because the kidnappings and murders everywhere are a few meters from your residence.
Your saved money no longer belongs to you, they returned nothing.
You only share sad looks with your neighbors.
The newspapers disappeared, that memory that you sat down to read them is just a memory. The news on the Internet, but you have to change the DNI to be able to enter some pages that the government has vetoed.
Even drinking water became a luxury, something never seen, a service that was very good, arrived on a regular basis and if it was going to be missed they warned.
The speculators doing theirs. Honor and values decreased significantly. Slavery reappears in the middle of the era of scientific progress. What else can they take from us? The illusions, the faith, the hope.
They have deprived us of education, medicines, clinics, insurance, security, light, water, telephone service, amusements, parks, universities, roads, peace, spirituality, bread, coffee, trust in others, soap, fruits, milk , fertilizers, clothes, shoes, air flights, buses, passports, are taking away from us the will to live.
We have imposed ignorance in all its manifestations. They have taken the time to live it. They are designing the time you have left for you to spend on all the unproductive things possible: endless queues in supermarkets (if there is any left over there), banks.
They have imposed on us tables of dialogue organized to curb the discontent. The Clap happened to be an old flour, dirty and full of bugs.
Now we discuss to see who gets the best garbage of this or that restaurant.
We imposed the kennels (transport of cattle now for people) and accept them as automata.
The best equipment from our universities was stolen.
They degraded our doctor to the mediocre invader.
They took away the Creole lexicon. We were imposed by the Colombian guerrillas.
The military is the best paid and the worst trained. The lower troop goes hungry as well as their families.
What else do we expect? Running away solves something? For some it is a necessary evil, to protect their life, their family.
What example are we giving to our children? May God help us because we do not achieve it ourselves.
Even some of us have a ray of light, a last hope in our hearts.
And the children that we are going to tell them when all this is over.
Will there be someone who can do something?
esto es lo más triste de todo y la crisis humanitaria sigue creciendo, el salario que llegó a 1800 Bs S no alcanza para 1 semana y ya un cartón de huevos cuesta 700 BsS ya que el dólar negro sigue subiendo pero ellos estancaron el dolar en un precio al cual nadie le hace caso porque sino las grandes empresas pierden sus ingresos, no hay empleos y la gente pobre va muriendo cada día más, los neonatales mueren contaminados en hospitales y atienden a los enfermos de emergencia en una silla, en un banquito o en el suelo, no hay reactivos en los laboratorios de servicio público, no hacen placas de rayos x porque no hay material y los CDI no atienden bien a los pacientes, pues los tienen de un lugar a otro sin darles seguridad de las cosas, es una odisea y el pago de transporte está excesivamente caro porque el gobierno no controla los tabuladores y no hay supervisión. Saludos desde Monagas, pásate porfa por mi blog que verás un contenido entretenido en mi último post! Un abrazo
Terrible nuestra situación gracias por el comentario y el apoyo. @lindeicy
igualmente amigo, si deseas pásate porfa por mi blog que tengo unos dibujos que se que te van a entretener un poco a pesar de todo lo que estamos pasando, hago arte para liberar mi mente