Greetings friends of the steemit world, I hope you are very well.
Today I want to share with you a brief forensic examination of the Venezuelan economy.

The old Venezuela of good coffee and high quality chocolate, recognized throughout the world, was forgotten when the internal migratory flows were transferred to the cities where oil exploration began.

A change was the result of the nationalization of petroleum and mineral resources promoted by the president of the time, Carlos Andrés Pérez.
Venezuela had an oil company recognized worldwide for the quality of its products, with high standards and professional human resources, dedicated to innovate in the study of deposits and production of petrochemicals.

Once, a famous writer, the illustrious Arturo Uslar Pietri, coined a phrase that is still very current: "We have to sow the oil". Many have not understood or have ignored this important warning made by this educated person of the time, which can be applied to any resource used as a source of income since Venezuela is exploiting gold, diamonds and other minerals.

Economically, an inflationary spiral, drag any attempt of the current government to stabilize without results, the reflection of the crisis is appreciated in all directions and anywhere, to go out in the streets you can see long queues of people looking to buy and observe children, young people and the elderly who check the garbage in search of food, is a denigrating and frequent image that has become common for the community.

Socially and economically to maintain a certain appearance of tranquility in the citizens, the government has granted bonds of the mother country, by means of a card that the majority of the Venezuelans acquired when registering in a web platform.
Many events have happened in this corner of South America: protests, uprisings and military insurgency that the government has sought in one way or another to control.
The political center of the current government, apparently increasingly isolated and with rows reduced to its minimum expression, generate many rumors that are transmitted by the small options of digital communication, which can still be accessed without greater control by the sector that governs telecommunications, managed by people related to the president.
The bleeding veins of Venezuela continue to feed nationally and internationally members, friends, family and people who apparently support the current government and its administration. Despite cases of corruption and arrests, there are still many cases that will be announced over time.

The oil, mineral resources and all the wealth of Venezuela are under the administration of the current government, and the question is: what will be left for Venezuela and its citizens in the coming times?

Well, that is all for now. I await your comments and contributions.
Thank you, follow me and I will follow you to grow together!source of photographs: