Learning a foreign language requires much effort and dedication, especially if you want to be good at it and not to learn only one language your whole life. As a linguist, I must be honest with you, that your whole life is probably not enough to learn everything about your mother tongue, not to mention a foreign language. So, there is no such a thing as a perfection.
As for me, I started learning English when I was maybe 9. My mum took me to the language school and said that English is a very important language in the world and for my future it would be better if I know it. Unfortunately, I didn't understand the perspective of learning it much and did not bother to learn it properly. One thing that was clear to me, I was really good at it without even learning, but, well, there are different definitions of good.
- And OMG I don't know English and I desperately need it. Memes are in English, I can't understand them. Is broken.
- I gotta learn it myself. I'm translating memes with a dictionary. I've learnt many new words, but still no idea about the grammar part. The amount of times in English scares me and I wanna cry because the present perfect tense is not perfect and I don't like it.
- Started studying German and English linguistics at university. I'm the worst in the group. Not cool. Found a private teacher, I'm so hysterical and can't stop crying because English is killing me. What do I do?
- I don't remember how and why, but I understand it now and Omg I love it. Want to learn it more and more. It's my favourite language in the world. I'm forgetting to learn German, but I'm sorry German I'm in love with English.
- Not learning it anymore, living it. I have friends to speak to and I watch everything in English, I think it's enough. But it's not.
- Jez, I could have been so much better by now, if I didn't stop learning it.
So, this is me.
Though these years I've tried so many different methods of learning. And I want to share the best things that worked for me and that might be helpful for you too:
Memes. I know, it's ridiculous, but they reflect the spoken language. There many common phrases and expressions that modern people use, used in it, so give it a try.
Movies and sitcoms. Watch all 9 seasons of "Friends" or "HIMYM", or whatever you like with subs and don't hesitate to pick up new words, write them down and translate them.
Reading books. Read and re-read and learn the vocabulary and the use of grammar.
English Grammar in use, by Raymond Murphy is one of the best books I've used so far.
My Grammar Lab, by Mark Fokey and Diane Hall is more complex than the previous one, but very good too.
Speaking to friends. No need to explain this one :)
Learning a foreign language takes lots of time and patience. But I'm sure, YOU are going to be good at it!
V xx
You certainly picked it up great as a 9 year old. Perfect and fluent. Well done. Keep up the great work and keep on STEEMin!
We should all our lives improve our knowledge and learn lots of different stuff.
It is true that it is better to learn foreign language while we were kids, because child's brain is like sponge, but we must be persistent.
Thank you for sharing!
Good tips.