A few days ago I do not publish anything and it is not normal for me since I really like to share my thoughts with you and to learn new things from each other but I have been quite tired lately and I want to discuss it with you.
For nobody is a secret the situation of the country which every day, every second gets worse; I have always been strong and thought that in spite of adversity we must get ahead even though we all get a moment that we get tired.
For those who do not know I am only 21 years old, I am really quite young but if you ask me I have not enjoyed my youth at all, it gives me a bit of anger when I listen to friends who take me at least 10 years and tell how they enjoyed, as they left with friends and shared because I have not been able to do that, the insecurity of the country has made of course to go out we think a thousand times, that we can only meet in a house and for fear that we take our lives in a second.
I have just finished the fourth semester of my career, I study in a private institute which I already have headaches every day for the price that comes next semester and more when we know that if Maduro increases the salary obviously increase the semester.
I'M TIRED ... There is no other way to express it, it hurts me that Venezuela the RICHEST country in the world at this time ends up being the poorest. It hurts me how they ended up with the most powerful country in all of Latin America, you hurt me Venezuela, I think so much about things that for every place I go I think I can not wear some nice shoes because they can be stolen or even killed by a simple cell phone .
Every day I dream of waking up from this nightmare and that things are the same as before, live what my mother lived, have a carefree young life because now I look like an old woman, many worries accumulate in my head that we young people do not lets live.
When any Venezuelan leaves the country is not to get rich is to have a NORMAL LIFE ... Being able to leave without worries of being killed or being able to buy something as foolish as an ice cream because now "kill a craving" is too expensive.
Venezuela I dream you free, I dream you as you have always been and it is beautiful, because there is no country more beautiful than this and with the most spectacular people in the world. Take the opportunity to vent and hope I understand friends, after this I can continue with my faith that everything will change and doing what is within my reach for the country to change because they remember that the country needs that we also change.
Every day you can pick in wich side of the court you will play.