To be honest I never check if people self vote or how many bid bots they use. I even do not know how to find it out. Are these the comments from bots underneath a post?
I use my Partiko points if it comes to it is a bitbot too in some way.
I try to help those low on the ladder and join leagues to do so. I also recommend good content if possible twice a week plus I host 2 contests to help newbies. But you know what? No matter the fact the already earn by joining there is less motivation to write 200 words. I even invite people to join time after time, remind them in comments (I comment a lot and spent the biggest part of the day doing so, giving tips as well, all with only a smartphone for help and a slow connection).
To be honest I do not know what more to do to help people.
Fact is they came for the money, easy income, not to write.
I thought about buying for steem. It is the way to be seen here and to get upvotes. Everybody loves the fat whale.
So far I did not. I want to do it the right way but is it we worth all the work and trouble and the risk someone presses the downvote button "by mistake" each time one of my freewrites shows up or I comment?
To my honest opinion downvoting is abused in a bad way. Steemit Inc finally answered the question what good content is. Good content is 20 steem earn or more.
All content with a lower score is crap (and Steemit is happy with it since the writer earns less with it as the 50% they stated. I wonder why since 50/50 stays 50/50 not matter what the amount is).
One thing is clear to me. Without power you do not count and are labelled as "bad writer".
The downvote should only be used to fight plagiarism they said.
By now it is used for nearly everything. That is what bothers me. It is easy to break someone now and it already happens.
They say: if you cannot beat them join them.
I will think over what you wrote. I might join them and buy steem to enjoy the power since only few enjoy my work..
If I do so and understand how or what about the bitbots and big fish abusement I will join you. I agree it is worth fighting for and caring about the little fish.
You have my vote, I do not downvote I prefer to leave a comment first to give the writer the option to answer and edit a post.
Thanks for sharing and your honesty.
Posted using Partiko Android
@wakeupkitty You can compare the Voting CSI for people on There are for example some very high staked people like @me-tarzan who publish low value info posts 5-10 times a day and they will self-vote ONLY their content.
Check how his voting CSI for example differs from mine:
His is negative, which means he is just drainign the reward pool for his low quality efforts and to enrich himself.
This is only one example that I currently know of, and there are probably a ton of them.
When what they really should be doing is rewarding unknown but quality Steemians, to further promote the growth of this platform. With the free flag that came with HF21 it would be great if more people would join the efforts to limit the rewards for said people.
There are many interesting projects on discord which try to bring some balance into this ecosystem, you should look them up:
P.S: Commenting won't do anything, they need to FEEL the damage they do to this project themselves.
I have tried to comment several times, not even receiving an answer as you can see here for example:
And @alucian I appreciate people like you standing up for the chain and doing what yo do. I will continue to join your efforts and continue to curate and comment manually.
I need some time to figure this all out. Actually I meant leaving a comment with common Steemians to tell how to improve.
To be honest I am shocked to read this. Since there are blacklists for steemian users who committed plagiarism I wonder if there are also for those who do this.
Are these big whales also witnesses?
Thanks for explaining I try to read it now.
You are Welcome. :-)