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RE: Can friendship exist between men and women?

in #english7 years ago

I loved how it started without putting a blame on a certain gender.
Then when the tone changed to mostly telling men have hidden agendas... I felt attacked for a second... Until I realized that a blog is written from the perspective and experience of the person writing it, in this case female.
Other than that (I wish I could... I really do...) I can't deny that indeed there are plenty of men have ulterior motives...

I've always had more female friends then I had male friends (heck... my male friends I can count on one hand...) I don't know how this came to be nor why it still is...
Fair is fair, obviously I have had feelings or felt attraction for a couple of them... (I am straight after all...) but towards the rest never.
I am not a guest friendly person, so whenever a friend would sleep over I was not sleeping on the couch... So they always got the option to either sleep on the couch or share the bed with me.
Usually they all pick sharing the bed, I always took this as them knowing me well enough that I would treat them as I'd treat any other friend (male or female) and not do a damn thing.

The only problem I have with having mostly female friends is partners... (be it mine, or be it theirs). Partners that don't believe a normal friendship can exist between females and males.

I think this mindset comes from seeing men and women as different. To a man a female is female, to a female a male is a male. Yet if they would see a person as just a person... friendship would be possible.

A friendship should be based on a person digging the vibe or the mindset of a different person. Nothing more nothing less... If people think like that than such a friendship would be possible