Forget the anger.

in #english7 years ago

Each one of us faces the problem of anger. Do you know how to get control of anger, instead of letting it control you? Here are some steps to master it.

  • Identify what bothers you: Start with identifying what upsets your feelings or emotions. Calm down, get away from everything you are doing or the situation of anger in which you find yourself, then take a deep breath and put your mind clear . Think, what brought you to this situation?

  • Use it as a stop signal:
    When you're done with step 1, you probably already know what made you angry. You may not have a clear, complete idea of it, but it's fine. At least you have "some" ideas.

  • Think positive things:
    It is important to think positive. You can counteract your annoying thoughts, framing your mind, in order to have a positive message of yourself.

  • Clarify your situation:
    Clarify the situation for yourself. Ask yourself, "What is really going on in this situation?"

  • Think of constructive goals:
    Try to set more realistic goals for yourself, in regards to the situation that irritates you.

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You are not angry any more ???