Share subscription data with your friends via do not pay

in #engrave5 years ago (edited)

Have you ever had to share your Netflix/Spotify password with a friend or associate even though you had reservations about giving out your password?

Sometimes we are faced with the dillema of giving out our password to friends reluctantly or being labelled as insecure for refusing to give out our password so our friends can share our subscriptions with us.

Let's face it, giving out your password to a third party is not healthy practice no matter how we try to sugarcoat it.

Even if the person is your wife/husband or parent or whatever it still leaves you with a big security risk.

What is the assurance you have that the person will be as careful with your password as you are with it. You never can tell, the person you give your password to might let it slip in one way or the other to another person with malicious intent leaving vulnerable and exposed.

While there are no widely accepted solutions to password sharing for all web platforms for obvious reasons(your accounts should be yours and yours alone to use any other thing is just extra), I do have an alternative that will allow you share your subscriptions on subscription based websites freely even without sharing your password.

Instead of sharing your passwords what you will be sharing are login sessions.

DoNotPay is a UK based legal firm/startup whose primary product is a platform that helps people appeal parking tickets.

Now they have launched a new service in the form of a Chrome extension that allows people to share their subscriptions without sharing passwords.

In order to use this service though, the sharer and the person being shared to are required to be registered on the sharing platform.

Instead of sharing the password, the owner of the subscription can just login and share the link to the login session to the person being shared to either by SMS or Email.

I believe this is much neater compared to the initial way of sharing the one thing that actually keeps the account safe

Originally posted on Know Startups. Steem blog powered by ENGRAVE.