Yes! People are impulsive creatures. They want to say something Now, not in 2 hours or 2 weeks, but now.
Also, you know the rules of Pareto distribution, 1-10-90 % rules and so on. Most of the people will be just consumers. They want to read. 1/10 of them wants to Like, 1/10 of them wants to argue and 1/10 of them wants to actually write something.
Imagine a small town, 30,000 people. How many bloggers there will be? Well, maybe 30 at best, other people are living their daily boring lives. 2-3 photographers, 2-3 makeup beauty girls, 2-3 adventurers, doctors, tech enthusiasts - and that's it
Even those who write can't make more than 1 Steem/day on average, so why bothering at all to post comments for example via a private account. Who cares to hassle for 5$ per year or so.
Whish you good luck, if you need any help for "poking" people to join - call me :D