How to Subscribe to the DecentraCast Podcast

in #engrave4 years ago

How to Subscribe to the Podcast

On Web 3.0

The DecentraCast podcast is distributed through Podcasting 2.0 and Web 3.0. You can subscribe to it in podcasting apps that use the PodcastIndex such as Antennaepod. Just go to the search function of your app and search for DecentraCast podcast on Hive.

Or you can just subscribe using this link.

Currently I am only supporting video (mp4) files that are hosted at 3Speak. But I am looking to distribute mp3 files through my IPFS node. I will be going back through the episodes show notes and putting those in as I get to them. I will write a post about it here on the site and across Hive and Twitter as well.

On The Fediverse - Castopod

I am also testing out Castopod. You can find all of my podcasts on this page. Which is my self hostedCastopod. This should give you a more "traditional" type of podcast feed. But be warned Castopod is very Alpha and should not be considered reliable at all. I have experienced many problems already but I am putting the feed here and making it public if you would like to help test it.

The rss feed for it is here.

You can also follow my Castopod for NTROradio across the fediverse.

Originally posted on DecentraCast. Hive blog powered by ENGRAVE.