things to consider:
pathways inwards, around, out, and stationary, measured as total movements in space around objects of observability, especially, but not limited to people.
odds are, odd. breath, sub-vocalzation, eye movements, hand movements.
if you feel it, it feels you, directional spotting will be your training
connectedness of things, means everything is related and so observations of a cursery nature will reveal subtext answers. this means ask the right question, and proceed.
consider cost of motion.
bodily sensations you may experience
eye, back, and hand strain. phantom blood murmurs.
you will need to be lifted by a group, in spatial orientation, according to your numbering, to be determined by the group. try rolling intersticial colored dice, starting with red, followed by blue and then green. science indicates red will win when rolled together.
some other topics to consider
(doors, obviously)
establishing your head, hand, and heart levels, including chakra one(1)
thought and body reactions to stimulus, external and non-auditory
naturally stay within cost and means. complete everything you start.
don't multitask. use team to divide and operate task directly
don't argue. create flow
be magical
tasks are complete and non-ob. groups move on, leaving expected arrangements
comms open are encouraged - if regular volume permits, speak freely, as in
free in the direction you intend. don't try to enunciate. the natural
obfuscation will be covered by air