This is one of the best and worst days of my life,knowing the most important thing I could accomplish is what the current system doesn't allow.
In 1970 I was born to a loving family that believed in America , and the American way of life,those days a gone now, nothing but a distant memory.
My Father was a Policeman and my Mother took care of our every need. At the age of 6 we moved out of City and into the country side of Central California. My Grandparents would visit us and tell us stories about how you should always do the ( rite) thing, and the golden rule, "Do unto others as they would do unto you. That was a long accepted standard in Amerca, that is something in the past, that has long since past.
- And thats why I'm starting this blog and series of Web Plateforms , having this concept in mind; ***
" YOU HAVE A RIGHT TO BE HEARD and your wishes need to be heard, on the record for record.
** In ththe past , thats how business was conducted, a place for the Law to be coducted, on the PUBLIC Square or as I like to say, PUBLICNOTICE.Crypto , the immutable blockchain , your Public Square, your right as an American, on the record, for all to see in the newspaper for yhe PUBLIC RECORD**
Publicly posting your desires, was the right of every American, to broadcast your rights, because every Americans rights Matter