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You have with your own written words here confirmed that you are unable to discern light from darkness.

Careful on what powers you ascribe when dealing with prophets.

I have the authority to forgive all of this false witness and am fully aware why it is occurring.

You should call me.


You need to call me going forward. Until such time as you are not a risk to my flock Matt isn’t dealing with you. Call me now and let’s get this all fixed.

If you think you're the only one who can wield threats and power let me remind you that I know everything about you. And I can punch numbers into phone keypads. And I can contact news stations. And the entire world is on MY side. So if you wanna hold my shit hostage I can bust open ODB on your back damn porch. Up to you. Do what you think is right. I wouldn't get so smug, you're a human pariah, you have the ability to starve to death just like everybody else. I'd watch my smart mouth if I were you, you've got zero leverage, cash, resources, people who give a shit and everybody knows you're batshit insane. How's it feel to hear the truth and know I'm right and feel a little twinge of fear? I know it's there. You spend entire days talking about when it's coming, about the planes you think are after you, when will the flash bang be? When's the black van coming?? Ya feel safe? You wanna play with me? I'd be careful, 3 seconds after you screamed in my face a week ago for telling you that God has his eye on me I received several thousand dollars to my name, blank-chequed. So I'd be real, real careful if I were you. God's moved heaven and earth to get me the fuck away from you. Where are you? What mountains have been moved for you? You've been praying for shit since we got back from San Diego the last time you kidnapped me there and then threatened to leave me there because of your sick, twisted, puppy-love, Jacqueline 'at your service, milady' bullshit texts messages.

Suck my dick, you cheap dime store hood. Any man whose only play is hopefully instilling fear in a woman that he says he loves in order to manipulate (do you project this shit onto me enough or what? I don't even SPEAK. YOU are the 'master manipulator' and it's ALLLLL here for the world to see, isn't it? You're the only one threatening power plays, are you not? WHY?) her is disgusting and lower than low, you weak coward. The men in your life should loathe you for what you think of them and how you are. You wanna put eyes on you calling Matt a FAGGOT 900 times for 2 full fucking days ( I SUFFERED FOR MATT'S BULLSHIT, NOT MATT) for breaking a window because your dog deserves to be kicked off of a cliff along with you for being such a douchenozzle assfucker. You wanna get Matt's eyes on the fact that you think he's a weak fuck who's in love with Frank and doesn't understand scripture as well as you? The Napoleon Complex is only gonna get worse as you keep losing all that hair you used to brag about bald men JUUUUST hating you for. Remember? Like two weeks ago? I stopped removing it from the drain so you could see how disgusting it is for yourself and possibly clean up your own shit. You're a 2-year-old. You're revolting.

Threaten me? Try again, You Little Homeless Bitch. I can put eyes on you in seconds. Big ones. With followers. #FAFO



Do it.

Oh my God, that's so sad, you really just want it all to be over, huh?

What a shitty defense, no? That's all you have is to legit call the bluff not even moments in?

It's that bad, though. I was there. I remember your fears.

Yeah. Lots of talebearing going on here. Don’t be a coward. Call me. Let’s make peace right now.

Doesn't surprise me that Matt's cool with holding a woman's property hostage. He let you hold me hostage for at least 4 weeks now with full knowledge that's how I've felt the entire time. He also had no issue with your screaming in my face, pretending I'm Satan, and being brainwashed harder than anyone I've ever seen you brainwash.

If you two 50+ year old men need bikinis then you hold onto those.

@frankbacon Get a load of these tough guys who have their panties in big, fat wads over a woman that they shit on and ignored for 9 months while she suffered in silence.

I've got my freedom, that's worth at least a couple of laptops.

If God thinks that's the right thing for you to do to his Beautiful Creature I'm sure He'll let you know.

In one way or another :D

You take care!

Matt is not keeping ANYONE hostage. I believe the older man needs to depart. Matt OWNs PART of that house... The Rest of the owners are selling the property (SOON) because of $10s of thousands of dollars of Losses trying to help their Crippled Son and his Crippled Friends.

If it were up to me, and it almost was, I would have burned that house down.
(in the middle of the night)

I invited someone who I thought could set aside some hysteria and JUST HELP MY FRIEND! Since that won't work and Since I have Personal Numbers to at least 2 Cops in Rio Rancho, I think I will escalate my own problems to a 5150 and call them from my home address.

I will Play Crazy with either of you over my friend who you both have caused considerable hardship. If Aurora needs a place to recover while Magneto moves on, then I will get some county help to assist.

But as of today I will need Magneto to be moving FAR ALONG... Far far far far along.
Or it will get very bad for everyone including me, Matt, and my family.
I have done this a time or two now.

Dayum, Frank, I'm glad you came to the party.

Your Spidey Senses are right on the money with where you're going with this.

I escaped last week to another state so I'm safe now, Frank. Apparently Matt and Mike are on a road trip? They have a bunch of my belongings and are refusing to send it to me (which I have no problem paying for, by the way) because Mike is a man child with psychotic issues.

Call away, I have no idea who's been honest and who's not, I'm no longer there.

Amen, Frank, make yo calls! Mike deserves to feel a fraction of what he's done to others throughout his life. Kick him out!!

I will get your things shipped to you soon...
I signed my part of the house back over to my family. They'll take it from here.
all I can do is breathe.

Havin' trouble sleepin', Buddy?

Not at all. Copiloting while Matt drives. Call me.

Now if I had any interest in that I would have stayed in New Mexico, wouldn't I have?

I really have no words for you...

I think we'll come to an understanding when/IF I see you again.

Thank You for Everything now MOVE ON.

Your ass cashed in all possibility of making demands upon me a long ass time ago. You can keep asking though. I like saying no.

I don’t need for you to call. I’m trying to help you. Don’t call then. Keep doing this. Who needs a real friend?

Your false witness against Matt alone here is disgusting. The fact I am putting eyes on this shitshow is indicative of my love for you. You can blindly lead the blind or choose to be led by the blind. I did not have to delete years of written testimony to fit into this new construct.

100 Phillistine foreskins and I don't lose any.

Do yourself a favor and call me to establish friendly comms.

Do you need Steve to turn it up or can you hear him OK?


Oh, and I didn't bear shit against Matt. This piece is clearly about you. Frank knew that, psh. Not like it's Rocket Sci-hold on...Matt always provided for me, you didn't. You don't even take responsibility for that? You think I'm talking about Matt? I haven't mentioned his name once because he's never been a problem to me. But you're probably brainwashing him back in Rio Rancho and telling him Frank is Satan or the Easter Bunny. You're a sick sociopathic narcissist, that's what you are. You've managed to find a way to meld your addiction to human resources with spirituality. You need help. I pray to God no one ever listens to you again because they could easily die following your orders. I guess we'll never know now if I reached out to Karina or not to warn her and give her a list of things you've done to me. She's on flicker and Instagram and Facebook, so many ways to reach her! I may or may not have sworn her to secrecy. So I'm not sure it'll be easy for you to get that out of her, since she also so rarely speaks to you. What is it now, once every 3, 4 months? Just to let you know she's still not fucknuts enough to join you? LOL

And I'm not disgusting, you're the one bringing up RumpleForeskin, my dude.

You need a mental health day?

I think one of the persons mentioned in this piece needs medical attention to bring awareness to a dis ease... none of my business mind you.



Doesn't have to be any of your business in order for you to have nailed that shit over the head!!

Legit clicked over to YT after posting and paused it RIGHT here completely unaware...comms are comms, inside or outside, yo!
