Lol my kind? Idk who you are on about but we downvote vote buyers. So, you are clearly have no idea what you on about.
I’ve seen you go about stuff cluelessly since I joined the platform.
So go bs yourself.
I’ve had fun and supported people without issues since day 1. You are just spewing excuses.
does not say anything good about you, for it means you keep quiet when there is injustice - unless you can make money out of it.
Lol keep on dreaming Arthur.
Dreaming may be what I may be accused of if I express a hope that accounts like yours lose a lot of money.
My previous statement was only a observation of what appears to be fact. I find it interesting that in none of your comments (to me or to shepz or to anyone else in this post) did you dispute or debate any points or accusations made against you - all you have done is swear in anger or make emotional accusations.
When someone can only respond by insulting others, it either indicates a total lack of ability to reason, or else, their own guilt is blocking them.
I wonder which it is with you.
What appears to be a “fact”.
Ill-willed old man calling random strangers on internet evil and himself some self-imagined hero.
Hey, I can say the same thing. I observed you two to be some old men full of themselves.
You can tell yourselves you are good all you want. You aren’t. Good day.
Perhaps I recognise you for what you are exactly BECAUSE I am evil?
So what, what I am or may be does not alter what you are