It seems like this site is a great way to lend out your money.
However if I was a lender the only thing I'd be worried about is if they default on a loan. Especially when you are lending to people across the world who could most likely be able to go off of the radar but I guess that is a problem you have to deal with anyway when lending out money.
Also 50% interest rates are absolutely ridiculous. It seems like people like that are people who have would rather take from people who are struggling rather than help them.
Clear to see that some peoples greed overrule their meekness and kind heartedness towards the underprivileged.
Thanks for sharing this site with us @gavvet
Yup Kiva is a great way to lend and you can match your risk profile... The 50% or greater interests are the exception rather than the rule... there are plenty at 0% and I would say the majority are in the region of 10% - 30%
That is where the "risk profile" is somewhat skewed. Your risk profile is based on what the site considers the % of risk, not the "true risk". There is a reason they are high risk and high percentage. Because it is almost a 50/50 percent that you won't get your money back. Plus there is no recourse for default.