When it comes to strength, Spider-Man seems to have a clear advantage, being able to lift up to 25 tons according to Marvel.wikia, to put it in perspective that's 3 times the weight of an average Elephant. However we've seen Batman come up with ingenuous measures to partially counter super strength opponents, as he did with his exoskeleton suit in the movie Batman V Superman, design to withstand great physical abuse, however because the suit is not indestructible, I'll have to give this one to Spider-Man.

Both Batman and Spider-man use a combination of marital arts, extraordinary abilities or gadgets and the environment on their fighting encounters. In the movie Batman trained with Ra's Al Ghul and in the comics it is established that Batman is familiar with every fighting style that exists. Taking the sheer strength element out because we're talking about the combat category, I'll have to give this one to Batman since the knowledge of a variety of martial arts and the discipline needed to master them can prove to be must more effective than the more instinct base fight approach of Spider-man. Check out Godzillarex's brilliant breakdown of Batman's fighting style seen in the movies, for a more detailed input on the subject:
Now things start to get interesting, Spider-Man is as we all know one of the most agile and dexterous Super heroes ever, with his natural ability to swing between buildings using his flexible and extremely durable webs, or even incorporate said webs in his suit to glide, his capacity to quickly switch directions mid air by effortlessly shifting his body movement, as-well as being able to jump really high and holding on to seemingly plain walls thanks to his small spider setules on his finger tips.
Surprisingly despite his lack of natural super-human abilities, Batman doesn't fall very short in this department, his grappling hook works in a somewhat similar way to Spider-Man's web, allowing Batman to climb tall buildings and easily access high areas, combined with his batcape that allows him to glide from one platform to another, or even all the way down from the tallest building to the ground, which could prove to be an even more effective way of traversing through cities with the bonus of Batman being able to do it in a much more stealthy and silent way.
I'm giving this one a draw.

We're all thinking the same, Batman is at face value the clear winner when it comes to gadgets and technology, being a multi-billionaire, Bruce Wayne (aka Batman) has plenty of resources and know-how to engineer all sorts of devices that can at most instances give him to upper hand against most foes, such as the batmobile, the batarangs, bat-tracer, bat-bombs and too many others to list. However surprisingly enough, Spider-Mas has also some gadgets and ingenuity of his own including an utility belt that shines a Spider-Signal, with a light that can be used as both a flashlight and investigate crime scenes with a special setting, and he even got himself at some point a Spider-mobile with sticky tires as a means to drive on walls if needed.
Despite Spider-Man's surprising counter-points in this department, I'm still giving a crushing win to Batman, due to the vastly superior resources he has and this being one of his specialties.
Super powers:
Spider-Man has super-strength, a natural spider-sense that warns him of impending danger and of-course the webbing and ability of climbing walls. Batman has no super powers of his own, he's just a man equipped with his training, mental durability and a vast array of gadgets. Spider-Man wins this one.

We're facing two superheroes that in many ways cancel themselves out, Spider-Man's spider sense is useful against Batman's Ninja stealth, Batman's ingenuity is useful against Spider-Man's super strength, Spider-Man's web can be useful against many of Batman's gadgets and Batman's batmarang can be a good counter weapon against Spider-Man's webs.
Both traverse through environments in very efficient and fast ways, both are excellent fighters with Batman relying more on skill and discipline and Spider-Man relying more on sheer strength, agility and instinct.
Final Result:

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