"No Monsters" | Dystopian Animated Short Film (2017)

Created by David James Armsby.

Welcome back to Autodale, children. Today's programming is nearly done, which means it is time for bed. But sadly, not all dreams are sweet, some are scary and full of monsters. If any night terrors haunt your sleep, children; always remember that you're safe in Autodale. There are no monsters here.

This film is a sequel to my recent animated short "Being Pretty". That being said, I did try to make this work as a stand-alone story.

This short was a massive undertaking. It was fun and horrible to work on. I put more hours into this short than any of my other animations (Besides Parallel). I put more detail into the backdrops, pictures and animation than I ever have before. I think this short broke me mentally. That being said; I think it may have some of the best imagery I've ever created.
Making of:

"Being Pretty":

Voice work by Adrienne Cox.

Song by Ross Bugden.

Film & Animation
Watch more>>>
https://guildencrantzy.tumblr.com https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCHaV... http://bit.ly/cinemarebell

To my Shop>>>


What happened with the other videos in this post? Have they been discarded, are they ugly? :)

Just came across your two short movies, and , since I can't resteem this, I'll make a new post about them.


No that is all here

I really like what you've done with the animation! specially how well your theme comes across from your film! would love to see more of your content. do have a look at my critical analysis of the justice league as well! would love to know what you think :)

Thanks a lot
I will watch your film asap

haha! it's not a film,mate. im going to start posting films soon. right now, just trying to check the waters here. posted an article on the justice league! a little support would mean a lot : ) following you!

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